In turn, there are dollar cents that materialize in coins of 1, 5, 10, 25 and 50 cents. As you already know (or in case you don’t know), this currency is characterized by being divided into many bills (more than the euro). Taking into account that Hawaii is a state belonging to the United States of America, its official currency is the dollar. However, the Spanish crown did not seem to be interested in this archipelago. Two centuries would pass until the existence of Spanish colonizers on the island was proven. However, there are no records of a conquest, it was just a trip that served the peninsular to know the location and record it on their maps. It would be a long time until the Spaniards arrived, who did it in the middle of 1550. The first inhabitants of these islands were Polynesian colonizers who arrived on the island by catamaran, although there are no records of the exact date of said conquest. We have dedicated a section on the islands of Hawaii, where you will find more information about each island.

In turn, Hawaii is the name given to the largest island of this archipelago followed, in order of importance, by Niihau, Lanai, Maui, Kahoolawe, Molokai, and Oahu. Its capital is Honoloulu, which is, in turn, the largest and most populous city on the entire island (located on the island of Oahu ). With a total population of 1,211,537 inhabitants, this group of islands represents one of the most important tourist destinations in Polynesia. Hawaii is an archipelago located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean that makes up one of the island states of the United States.